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Project teachers

Emiliano MUCCHI - PhD

Associate Professor of Mechanics Applied to Machines
DE - Department of Engineering
University of Ferrara

Prof. Emiliano Mucchi received his degree in Materials Engineering (with honors) in December 2003 from the University of Ferrara and in March 2007 the title of PhD in Engineering at the same University. In March 2007 he also obtained the European doctorate title “European doctorate on Sound and Vibration”. From 2007 to 2010 he was research fellow at the same University. He spent a 6-month training period (2005) at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Leuven (Belgium) and a 4-month period at LMS International (Leuven, Belgium) in 2007. From 2010 to 2017 he was I was Researcher at the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara and currently holds the role of Associate Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector of Mechanics Applied to Machines at the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara.

His scientific production mainly concerns the modeling of mechanical systems in order to identify the sources of vibration and noise and improve the vibro-acoustic behavior, the development of advanced methodologies for the monitoring, diagnostics and quality control of machines, the to develop innovative methodologies for accelerated vibratory tests in closed cycle. Author of over 120 articles published in conference proceedings and international journals, associate editor of various international journals, responsible for over 80 industrial research projects with Italian and foreign companies. He is the holder of the Formula SAE and Vibroacoustics of the Vehicle course at the University of Ferrara and of the NVH Testing for vehicles course in the Advanced Automotive Engineering degree course of MUNER (University Master of Emilia Romagna). Supervisor and co-supervisor of over 80 degree theses in the field of mechanical engineering. Founder of two Innovative Start Ups.


Associate professor

Department of Sciences and Engineering Methods

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Prof. Marco Cocconcelli received his degree in Mechanical Engineering in October 2003 from the University of Bologna and in March 2007 the title of PhD in Applied Mechanics at the same University. From 2007 to 2010 and from 2014 to 2015 he was research fellow at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. From 2011 to 2013 and from 2016 to 2018 he was Researcher at the Department of Engineering Sciences and Methods of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. From 2019 to today he holds the role of Associate Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector of Mechanics Applied to Machines (ING-IND / 13) at the Department of Engineering Sciences and Methods of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
His scientific production mainly concerns the modeling of mechanical systems, the development of advanced methodologies for the analysis, monitoring and diagnostics of components by means of vibrational analysis. Author of over 100 articles published in conference proceedings and international journals, reviewer for international journals in the field of machinery monitoring, industrial research manager with Italian and foreign companies. Supervisor of PhD students in the field of machine diagnostics, including a European PhD in the monitoring of fleets of machines for industrial applications. Supervisor and co-supervisor of over 100 degree theses in the field of mechanical engineering. Speaker at international sector conferences. He is among the inventors of 3 world patents on the diagnostics of mechanical components.

Elisabetta MANCONI - PhD

Associate professor
Department of Engineering and Architecture
University of Parma

Elisabetta Manconi is Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Parma. After graduating in Mechanical Engineering, he obtained the European Doctorate on Sound and Vibration from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research in Southampton and the PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University of Parma. From 2007 to 2019 she was a researcher at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Parma, carrying out research periods abroad by invitation at important universities and research centers (University of Auckland; ISVR - University of Southampton, UK; UNESP - Brazil; The University of Hong Kong - Zhejiang Institute of Research and Innovation; University of Aalborg).
His main research activity concerns the study of vibrations and the propagation of medium and high frequency elastic waves.
The main research topics are the development of numerical methods for the study of the propagation of elastic waves and the analysis of the vibroacoustic performance of periodic and composite structures. Further research activity concerns the study and theoretical and experimental modeling of vibrations and dynamics of structures and mechanical systems. In these areas he has participated in scientific and research projects with both Italian and foreign research organizations.
Elisabetta Manconi is the author of numerous articles published in international journals and conference proceedings, and is speaker of technical seminars for international conferences, with the roles of both chairman and organizer of thematic symposia.
She is a member of the Academic Board of the Research Doctorate in Industrial Engineering of the University of Parma, and has been an external member of numerous Research Doctorate Commissions for other Universities. She holds teachings for the Master's Degree courses in Mechanical Engineering, Management Engineering and Plant and Machinery Engineering of the Food Industry at the University of Parma, as well as having been a lecturer for degree, doctoral and higher education courses in Italy and abroad.


Associate professor

DIN - Dept. of Industrial Engineering
University of Bologna

Prof. Marco Troncossi received a degree in Mechanical Engineering (VO) in 2002 from the University of Bologna and the title of PhD in Applied Mechanics at the same University in 2006. From April 2005 to July 2019 he was Researcher at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna and currently holds the role of Associate Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector ING-IND / 13 (Mechanics Applied to Machines) at the same Department.
Since 2006 he has taught courses for national and international first and second level Degree Courses, such as Robot Mechanics and LM Automatic Machines, Industrial Robotics, Drive Mechanics, Foundation of Mechanics 1. Up to now he has been supervisor or co-supervisor of over 100 degree theses in the field of mechanical engineering as well as supervisor or co-supervisor of 6 PhD students.
His scientific production mainly concerns two macro-themes, addressed both through theoretical studies and experimental activities: Robotics and Automation, on the one hand, and Dynamics of Machines and Mechanical Vibrations. He is the author of over 110 articles published in international journals and in proceedings of national and international conferences, 2 book chapters, 1 book; he served as co-editor for the open-access publication of 1 book and is currently a member of the Editorial Boards of some international journals. He has (been) responsible for several industrial research contracts with Italian companies and for a POR-FESR competitive tender project in Emilia Romagna.
He is a founding member of the spin-off Turtle srl of the University of Bologna.

Antonio ZIPPO - PhD

Research Fellow
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - UNIMORE
"Enzo Ferrari" Engineering Department

Dr. Antonio Zippo received his master's degree in mechanical engineering in 2009 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and his doctorate in HIGH MECHANICS AND AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY in 2014 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; he was a researcher in Applied Mechanics (SSD ING-IND / 13) at the Interdepartmental Center for Applied Research and Services in the Advanced Mechanics and Motor Engineering sector (INTERMECH) and at the "Enzo Ferrari" Engineering Department from 2010 to 2017
From 2017 to today he is Researcher (RTDA and RTDB) in Applied Mechanics (SSD ING-IND / 13) and has obtained the National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor, National Scientific Qualification [31/05/2021] competition sector 09 / a2 applied mechanics to the machines - band: II
The research activity, both theoretical and modeling and simulation as well as experimental, is in the field of mechanical vibrations and mechanics applied to machines, with particular reference to the non-linear dynamics of mechanical systems, condition monitoring, diagnostics and control of vibrations.
In particular :
- Chaos and non-linear time series analysis
- Condition monitoring control based on vibro-acoustic analysis in the field of industrial machines and gearboxes
- Advanced methods for active MIMO vibration control
- Gears: modeling and experimentation.
- Vibration mechanics
- Dynamics and stability of structures and mechanical systems.
- Fluid-structure interaction with non-Newtonian fluids.
- Modal analysis.
- Bioengineering.
He teaches in various courses of the three-year and master's degree courses in the field of Applied Mechanics since 2009 in Mechanical Vibration, Mechanics applied to machines, vehicle mechanics and Multibody Dynamics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia since 2010; he is supervisor of several master's and three-year degree theses in the field of Mechanical Vibrations at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and supervisor for 1 doctoral student and several research fellows.
He has participated in several scientific and industrial research projects and is the founder of an innovative startup.