Emiliano MUCCHI - PhD
Associate Professor of Mechanics Applied to Machines
DE - Department of Engineering
University of Ferrara
Prof. Emiliano Mucchi received his degree in Materials Engineering (with honors) in December 2003 from the University of Ferrara and in March 2007 the title of PhD in Engineering at the same University. In March 2007 he also obtained the European doctorate title “European doctorate on Sound and Vibration”. From 2007 to 2010 he was research fellow at the same University. He spent a 6-month training period (2005) at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Leuven (Belgium) and a 4-month period at LMS International (Leuven, Belgium) in 2007. From 2010 to 2017 he was I was Researcher at the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara and currently holds the role of Associate Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector of Mechanics Applied to Machines at the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara.
His scientific production mainly concerns the modeling of mechanical systems in order to identify the sources of vibration and noise and improve the vibro-acoustic behavior, the development of advanced methodologies for the monitoring, diagnostics and quality control of machines, the to develop innovative methodologies for accelerated vibratory tests in closed cycle. Author of over 120 articles published in conference proceedings and international journals, associate editor of various international journals, responsible for over 80 industrial research projects with Italian and foreign companies. He is the holder of the Formula SAE and Vibroacoustics of the Vehicle course at the University of Ferrara and of the NVH Testing for vehicles course in the Advanced Automotive Engineering degree course of MUNER (University Master of Emilia Romagna). Supervisor and co-supervisor of over 80 degree theses in the field of mechanical engineering. Founder of two Innovative Start Ups.