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Higher Education School in NVH for Industry 4.0

Basics and advances in NVH for Industry 4.0

Do you want to specialize in the vibroacoustic sector (NVH) and undertake a training course that will allow you to get in touch with important national and international realities currently looking for specialized figures?

Attend the NVH Advanced Training School for Industry 4.0 "Basics and advances in NVH for Industry 4.0”And becomes a professional in the field of vibroacoustics and its industrial applications.

NVH Home Page - Il Progetto


The NVH Advanced Training School for Industry 4.0 Basics and advances in NVH for Industry 4.0 is a project of lectures held by Italian and foreign teachers of renowned academic reputation, laboratory activities and visits to important companies in the Emilia-Romagna region. It aims to train professional figures of excellence, selected on the international scene, who integrate advanced skills in the field of vibroacoustics (NVH) with the applications of Industry 4.0.

The two-year project is divided into three macro-activities:

  • Organization of Webinar: short online training sessions lasting an hour and a half each on the main issues relating to NVH.

  • Organization of Workshop: appointments structured over two consecutive training days that will allow participants to receive technical knowledge and to come into direct contact with important companies in the area.

  • Organization of Summer School: bi-weekly training events that will take place digitally during the first week and face-to-face in the second week, and which will combine theoretical lectures with laboratory activities.







Summer School



Recipients of the project

The NVH Higher Education School project for Industry 4.0 is aimed at:

  • students attending master's degree courses in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) topics,
  • three-year graduates in STEM topics,
  • doctoral students.

Employees of companies or professionals in the sector (members of professional orders) who have obtained a first level degree in STEMS issues can also access the course.

Participants will acquire specific theoretical and technical skills in the field of NVH for industry and will obtain a certificate of participation which will constitute a valid and certainly interesting title in the construction of a personal curriculum with a strong technological character.

NVH Advanced Training School for Industry 4.0 is a high-level training project in the technological, economic and cultural field for a region of European knowledge and attraction approved and co-financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region with Regional Council resolution no. 1625/2021

The project coordinated by the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara involves a total of five Engineering Departments belonging to four Universities of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Four international universities, a consortium and two companies also participate in the project as associates.


Universities involved


Partner companies


Teachers involved



